Refund and Returns Policy

Our Canvas Prints and Acrylic Prints are supplied via print-on-demand, which means that all products are unique and produced only once ordered. This also means that returns and exchanges are not supported if you ordered the wrong size, color, or simply changed your mind.

However, a free replacement or a refund is possible in the case of a damaged product or a manufacturing error, if you contact us within 30 days of product delivery.

Our support email address is

We will need to submit an ‘issue report’ to our supplier and a photo may need to be supplied to confirm damaged product or manufacturing issue.

We will do everything possible to correct the situation and provide the most suitable solution for you.

Please note: If the order shipping details provided were incorrect, or if you ordered the wrong size or color, our supplier will not be held responsible and will not offer replacements or refunds. So we will not be able to offer a refund. You are responsible for providing the correct information at the time of ordering.

Please do not return faulty or damaged items to the manufacturer (address on parcel).

If the address is correct, please make sure to contact the local post office. Occasionally, we see that upon arriving at the destination city, the package is stored at the local post office and the recipient has to collect the package from there.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.